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Adrienne Sloan

Drama Therapist

(Dramatherapy), BA (Art), BEd (Drama, Theatre), ANZACATA

Adrienne has a Masters in Creative Arts Therapies (Dramatherapy) from Melbourne University (MCAT).

Dramatherapy uses theatre, story making and drama as part of psychological, social and emotional support in therapy. It provides opportunities for developing new perspectives, insights and growth. Adrienne is person-centred and collaborative in an empathetic and non-judgemental environment. Adrienne also has Bachelors in Arts and Education, (BA/Ed) majoring in Theatre and Drama, with experience as a secondary level theatre and drama teacher. She has many years of training and experience in performing arts practices, schools, women’s refuges and prisons in Australia and Nepal.

Adrienne is a member of ANZACATA, (Australia, New Zealand and Asia Creative Arts Therapies Association), the professional association for Dramatherapists in Australia, governing the international standards and code of ethics of practitioners.